Solomon Islands has joint forces with global leaders calling for an urgent high-level action to address global scourge of ...
Solomon Islands prestigious business event – The Business Excellence Awards is back. The Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce ...
The Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) recently conducted a consultation on the Constituency Development Funds (CDF) Act ...
A Farmers volleyball competition for ladies is being organised in the highlands of Ward 29, Central Kwara’ae, Malaita ...
Global institutions created to deal with conflicts are out of date and need urgent reform if they are to remain relevant.
Solomon Islands reaffirms its supports for the implementation of the United Nations Fourth Decade for the eradication of ...
The 33 Solomon Islands women business entrepreneurs and leaders, who make up the country’s first AWESI Cohort, joined the ...
Head of Solomon Islands delegation to the 79 th United Nations General Assembly and Minister of Foreign Affairs and External ...
The Solomon Tower Limited (STL) officially opened its new office on Friday at the Solomon Post Office compound in Honiara.
This will happen when the SINPF Board will officially announce and declare the annual interest rate for the year ending 30 th ...
HONIARA City Mayor Eddie Siapu has highlighted some of the municipal authority’s areas of needs to the visiting delegation ...
HONIARA City Council (HCC) has been boosted with two new vehicles thanks to Jiangmen City Municipal Authority of China’s ...