We are living through a half-century trend of declining interest rates. Despite headlines of high rates dominating the news since the Fed pivoted to a more restrictive policy in 2022, “real” interest ...
Joining Fuqua’s leadership team in early 2019 as the school’s inaugural head of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion (formerly the Office of Community Engagement and Inclusion), Stephanie works ...
Simon Gervais is a Professor of Finance at The Fuqua School of Business. Prior to joining Fuqua in 2003, he was an Assistant Professor of Finance at the Wharton School of the University of ...
It’s no secret that you’re coming to business school to expand your options, whether in your current role or in a different industry or function. Fuqua’s unique approach to career development for ...
I'm currently enrolled in the MMS: Foundations of Business program and am originally from San Diego, CA. With a background in economics and a passion for the financial services industry, I'm excited ...
I was born and raised in Lima, Peru. I studied Business Administration and have then worked for 7 years in the Financial Services industry in my country. I was a Product Manager at Banco de Crédito ...
Hello! I am a FY student from Lansdale, Pennsylvania. I graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 2019 and then moved to Detroit to work for General Motors on the Corporate Development and Global ...
I'm a first-year MBA student originally from Sao Paulo, Brazil. Prior to Fuqua, I worked in Tech at a leading global beverage company in roles ranging from Innovation to Product Manager. I'm happy to ...
Before Fuqua, I spent over six years working for a pipe manufacturing company in India. In my time there, I led teams of up to 12 people to determine important financial and strategic decisions for ...
What do you do professionally? I am fortunate to lead a global diagnostic business for Abbott Laboratories. We manufacture a wide variety of diagnostic tests used by our healthcare customers around ...
I was born and raised in Oaxaca, Mexico. Later, I moved to Mexico City to pursue my undergraduate studies in Business Administration and Marketing, where I developed an interest in using data for ...
I'm a dual Spanish and American Citizen currently enrolled in the MQM strategy track after having done my bachelor's in business administration at ESADE Business School in Spain. I was born in ...