The nomination of the chief magistrate of Nairobi to the supreme court strongly resembles a reward for the loyalty he has displayed towards the régime of President Daniel arap Moi, particularly in the ...
With no consensus among its members, it is the head of state Joaquim Chissano who has named Jamisse Taimo chairman of Comissao Nacional de Eleiçoes charged with organizing the general election in ...
On 17 September, the Chadian government suffered a major setback before the Paris Court of Appeal in its dispute with the telecoms company N-Soft (AI, 16/08/22) when judges overturned a ruling handed ...
Several embassies that covered Eritrea from the Sudanese capital have had to take refuge in Ethiopia since the start of the civil war more than a year ago. But the historical rivalry and growing ...
Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is currently in New York City to attend the United Nations General Assembly, which opens on 24 September. He hopes to meet several of his African ...
When the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) put South Africa on its "grey list" in February 2023 (AI, 18/10/22), Pretoria said it would extract itself from this category of countries that are placed ...
Daniel Chapo, the frontrunner in next month's presidential election in Mozambique, paid an unpublicised visit to Kigali in June where he met Rwandan President Paul Kagame, who has become the key ...
The president's crusade against organisations that receive foreign funding led to the arrest of the secretary general of the Tunisian Financial Analysis Committee and the seizure of foreign data from ...
US giant General Electric and Japanese firm Mitsubishi are neck and neck in a race to win the contract to build a gas plant in Al Wahda for the Office National de l'Electricité et de l'Eau Potable ...
The current professor of sociology at Addis Ababa University, Andargachew Tesfaye, has been appointed chairman of Ethiopian Human Rights Council (EHRCO). This human rights organization set up in 1991 ...
ODEP, the agency that manages Morocco's ports, has announced a 114 million DH program to upgrade the port of Safi with the acquisition of new cranes and a tug. The program is aimed at increasing the ...
Brown & Root - Condor Algerie (BRC Algerie), an Algerian affiliate of Haliburton, was the target of an attack in Algiers on Dec.10. A bus carrying the firm’s employees came under gun fire, and one ...