IAEA director Rafael Grossi visited Syria this past March for talks with Syrian leaders about the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. It was the first visit by an IAEA official to Syria since 2011 when ...
I welcome Syria’s renewed engagement with the Agency in relation ... large NPPS will continue to be the dominant technology. Today, 415 nuclear power reactors operating in 31 countries make up more ...
At its 67th regular session in 2023, the Agency’s General Conference adopted resolution GC (67)/RES/14, entitled “Status of ...
Israeli intelligence operatives appear to have pulled off a legendary and deadly supply chain hack, installing tiny quantities of explosives into at least 3,000 pagers specially ordered by Iran-backed ...
Following the visit, Grossi stated that he and Assad made concrete progress regarding the resumption of investigations into the Kibar nuclear reactor in Deir-ez-Zor. This marked the first visit by an ...
Gaza On Thursday, Israeli media reported that its special forces had completed a rare ground raid in Masyaf, about 240km north of Israel, in Syria. Masyaf is a key Syrian weapons development site run ...
ever thank Israel and the pilots of those 14 fighter jets for destroying the Osirak nuclear reactor in Iraq in June 1981, or the ones who took out the Syrian nuclear reactor in September 2007?
Israel should clarify its nuclear stance and take action against Iran while it’s not yet nuclear to maintain its strategic ...
Just after midnight on September 6, 2007, Israeli F-15s entered Syrian airspace and bombed a nuclear reactor at Al Kibar, Syria. Seven months later, the U.S. confirmed that Al Kibar was a nuclear ...