Philip Elmer-DeWitt has been covering Apple since 1983 — mostly for Time Magazine (28 years), later for Fortune (9 years), ...
From Wes Davis' "Apple’s homework is due Monday no matter what, says judge" posted Saturday by The Verge.
From Thompson's "More on Orion, Where Vision Pro Went Wrong, Apple’s Response and Meta’s Motivation" ($) posted Monday on ...
From a note to Morgan Stanley clients that landed on my desktop Monday.
Pro) over the last week as well as steady lead times for the Pro models are highlighting the likelihood that the initial ...
Next Post J. P. Morgan: Slower initial iPhone 16 Pro demand is starting to correct ...
A place for Apple traders and investors to share their best ideas.
"It’s ironic that the person wearing watches that cost as much as the average American’s annual income is pursuing such an ...
From Joe Rossignol's "Apple’s October special event expected to unveil iPad mini 7, all-new Mac mini, and more." posted ...
From Stephanie Lai's "Trump Calls On Apple to Decrypt Phones of Would-Be Assassins" posted Wednesday by Bloomberg.
From "AI spatial computing to be the main selling point for new M5-powered Vision Pro" posted Friday on Kuo's Medium account.
From Mike Isaac and Erin Griffith's "OpenAI Is Growing Fast and Burning Through Piles of Money" posted Friday by the New York Times.