Newsom's vetoing of California's AI safety bill, SB 1047, has prompted backlash from AI safety advocates and the ...
Children and teens — especially those in the care of the foster system — should never be subjected to improper use of ...
As Republicans Continue to Block the Right to IVF, California Governor Gavin Newsom Signs Legislation to Expand Access ...
Insurance companies will soon be required to cover diagnosis and treatment for infertility — including in vitro fertilization ...
CISOs must now cope with a welter of emerging EU and disparate US state laws after Governor Gavin Newsom rejected ...
Gov. Gavin Newsom said he seeks to balance his desire to preserve California’s role as the vanguard of technology against his ...
Certain synthetic food dyes are linked to behavioral issues in kids. Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a law to ban them in school ...
The penalty for soliciting and buying sex from minors under 16 will be raised to a felony under a new California law signed ...